Super Bowl LIX at Warpigs

Warpigs, København.

Super Bowl LIX at Warpigs
Billettype Pris (billettens pris)? Antal
SUPER BOWL TICKET kr. 725,00 (kr. 700,00)

Flere informationer om Super Bowl LIX at Warpigs-billetter

Are you ready for the ultimate Super Bowl party at Warpigs? 

This year we are hosting the biggest Super Bowl party in Denmark. 

Together with Nordic Storm, the newest and most ambitious team in ELF, we want to invite you to Super Bowl at Warpigs.

Imagine a Super Bowl festival, where you’ll

  • Meet football experts and stars
  • Drink some Warpigs beers
  • Meet fellow football fans 
  • Participate in half-way quizzes and games
  • And of course: THERE WILL BE FOOD

The Menu:

Together with Nicolai Tram from Knystaforsen we have created a special menu this night

Menu will be:

- Black balls on fire from Knystaforsen
- Smoked almonds
- Pork rinds
- Warpigs Wings
- Roethlisburger Warpigs style
- Glaezed Ribs 
- Warpigs Roasted potatoes

How to join?

All you have to do to join is to buy yourself a ticket on this page.

But hurry up - seats are limited, and tickets are sold on a first come first served basis.

Full program (with subject to change)

9th february
22.00 Doors open
22.30 Welcome 

10th febuary
00.30 Kick-Off

Halftime and competition

End of match and good morning.


At our party, besides prominent guests, we will also have competitions, merchandise stand, a photowall and more.

We will update here as we plan even more.

This is your chance to join a Super Bowl party as it should be.

Will we see you there?